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[Other] Những Ngày Không Vui

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 Tác giả| Đăng lúc 8-7-2022 01:03:28 | Xem tất
The thing about all this is that I can't do anything about it. You know what they say: you play with feelings, you catch them.

It was the summer of some time in the past. I was an employee for a private company that most of the colleagues were my friends. We got along really well and the day I got promoted to project manager, they all agreed I should take it and that they'd be gladly to work as my subordinates. I couldn't ask for more that all my friends supported my furthering.

I'd been through two big projects and dozens of small ones before I landed on a rival's client; him.

I didn't have a problem with the job. There were procedures to take and problems to solve. If you followed them closely and took precautions, it wouldn't be difficult to get your paycheck by the end of this. But, he himself got a problem with me. Don't get me wrong. I don't mind him being my client. But the fact that on the very first meeting between my team and his, he clearly stated to everyone present: "I'm sure your team is great, but it's your PM that I'm worried about." And he added nothing more; queue utter silence and looks exchanging from him to me.

I knew he was a troublemaker, but I didn't expect him to be this unprofessional. He couldn't keep private matters out of this, could he? According to my intel, he had bad personality, yet his competence and success were a complete star of the show. But why the hell me? What was he trying to do?

I didn't say a word to him and let my team finish the meeting. When I wished I couldn't grow more limbs to run out of there fast enough, he called my name when I was half way out.

"Alex, could I borrow you a couple of minutes?"

I turned my head and stared into his stupid face. I could feel everyone having their ears up while pretending to get ready to leave. I swore people wished they couldn't plaster themselves onto the walls and stayed for the whole conversation. But it was me we're talking about. I gave no one a chance to humiliate me, especially in front of my team.

"I don't think so. Goodbye."

I deadass left the conference room without another word.

The next couple of weeks I tried to avoid him as much as I could. One of the perks of being a project manager was that I didn't have to actively anticipate in the process, I could just observe and made sure everything was in place. If there were problems, the team would come to me and I would offer solutions. If there were meetings to take place, I would plan out everything and gave instructions to my assistants and they would retransmit to the team. Most of the time I stayed in my office and worked on my job from there.

I thought it would be alright from then on, hence me letting my guard down. Out of nowhere he showed up in my office while I came back from lunch. I was startled and shocked because no one came in my office that I didn't get notified first. I turned my head to my assistants sitting right in front mouthing how the fuck did he get in here? They put their hands up and mouthed back Alex, sorry, punish us...


"How long have you been sitting here?" - I walked in and sat in my seat opposite of him.

"Oh, now you're talking to me." - He smirked.

"Wipe that off your face. What do you want?"

He looked at me and let out a subtle sigh.

"I just wanted to ask about your being." - He said. "And I'm sorry."

"Apology not accepted. Could you close the door on your way out?"

I didn't look at him and started working on my computer. I could feel his gaze on me and it unnerved me. I hated that he was the only one who had the ability to make me uncomfortable just by looking at me. I let out a sigh, not very subtle.

"If you want to talk, let's talk. But we are in different positions now. I now act in your capacity as a partner and you are my client. I don't get friendly with my clients."

"But we were friendly. Well, at least we used to, and then we're not. " He suddenly moved towards me.

"Couldn't you guess why?" - I asked.
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 Tác giả| Đăng lúc 20-7-2022 10:44:32 | Xem tất
hm this post was posted before. not sure why i reposted that lame shit...
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 Tác giả| Đăng lúc 26-7-2022 11:43:55 | Xem tất
There will be no stars—the poem has had enough of them. I think we can agree
we no longer believe there is anyone in any poem who is just now realizing

they are dead, so let’s stop talking about it. The skies of this poem
are teeming with winged things, and not a single innominate bird.

You’re welcome. Here, no monarchs, no moths, no cicadas doing whatever
they do in the trees. If this poem is in summer, punctuating the blue—forgive me,

I forgot, there is no blue in this poem—you’ll find the occasional
pelecinid wasp, proposals vaporized and exorbitant, angels looking

as they should. If winter, unsentimental sleet. This poem does not take place
at dawn or dusk or noon or the witching hour or the crescendoing moment

of our own remarkable birth, it is 2:53 in this poem, a Tuesday, and everyone in it is still
at work. This poem has no children; it is trying

to be taken seriously. This poem has no shards, no kittens, no myths or fairy tales,
no pomegranates or rainbows, no ex-boyfriends or manifest lovers, no mothers—God,

no mothers—no God, about which the poem must admit
it’s relieved, there is no heart in this poem, no bodily secretions, no body

referred to as the body, no one
dies or is dead in this poem, everyone in this poem is alive and pretty

okay with it. This poem will not use the word beautiful for it resists
calling a thing what it is. So what

if I’d like to tell you how I walked last night, glad, truly glad, for the first time
in a year, to be breathing, in the cold dark, to see them. The stars, I mean. Oh hell, before

something stops me—I nearly wept on the sidewalk at the sight of them all.
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Dùng đạo cụ Báo cáo

 Tác giả| Đăng lúc 3-8-2022 09:16:06 | Xem tất
believe it or not it's actually august and it's been august for almost three days. which means we only have four months left until another year comes to drag our asses like it did for the last twenty something years. tragic, real tragedy. and what have i done? i've done a lot but achieved nothing. lost many things yet regret nothing. anti socialist at best and you can't even tell otherwise. it's in my blood i guess and no matter how hard i try to get out of this current situation, nothing works. everything goes wrong in every possible way. again. all over again.
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Dùng đạo cụ Báo cáo

 Tác giả| Đăng lúc 11-8-2022 09:51:47 | Xem tất
the time I killed my identity it felt like shit. hurting my inside like never happened before.

i'm not your babysitter. i don't have to mind your feelings. you don't get to guilt trip me for what you feel? what are you even? who gives you the right to make other people feel like shit because of your ignorance? sit down. learn to be humble alright? you're gonna get hurt and get stomped on real soon. give it a few more years before questioning my cynical. fuck off.
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Dùng đạo cụ Báo cáo

 Tác giả| Đăng lúc 23-9-2022 10:32:09 | Xem tất
it's funny because i do want to be better. to feel better. to be able to look myself in the mirror and not feel the urge to smash it. to see the daylight and not go back to bed. to live my life to the fullest and not have at least four episodes every day. to be proud of what i do. to be able to do things that i love. to know what i love. to fight for my life. to feel genuine happiness for once. i'm not asking much because this is the bare minimum. this is not stars in the sky. i feel hopeless. i feel like dying every day. i feel depressed and i feel like a piece of garbage. because i am a huge fucking failure and a big disappointment. and because i am what i am. i'm not fit for this world. and this world has never been for me.
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Dùng đạo cụ Báo cáo

 Tác giả| Đăng lúc 1-10-2022 00:36:26 | Xem tất
loving you was as hard as my effort in trying to love myself
hurting you was as easy as cutting into my own flesh
the world went on without us
birds chirping, wind blowing, trees withering
i'd been sleeping on my side of bed, covering up my wounds
so the blood wouldn't stain your space
the world forgot us,
i roared in agony.
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Dùng đạo cụ Báo cáo

 Tác giả| Đăng lúc 19-10-2022 09:06:38 | Xem tất
mostly i just want to be kind, not to anyone but to myself. i want to stop punishing myself. i want to give myself a chance. will this ever end? the unrelenting torment of life. where do life begin? what would it be like if it weren't for money? how do one love oneself? how to one stay in one' skin without bearing the shameful eagerness of tearing the skin apart? how do one learn to wake up and feel the same every day? how do one open one's eyes and not wanting to close again?
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Dùng đạo cụ Báo cáo

 Tác giả| Đăng lúc 29-10-2022 05:17:17 | Xem tất
“The daily routine of most adults is so heavy and artificial that we are closed off to much of the world. We have to do this in order to get our work done. I think one purpose of art is to get us out of those routines. When we hear music or poetry or stories, the world opens up again. We’re drawn in — or out — and the windows of our perception are cleansed.”

Wish it is as easy as this says. I wake up and suffer. Meet other people and suffer. Do things I hate and suffer. Do things I love and suffer. What choice do I have?
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Dùng đạo cụ Báo cáo

 Tác giả| Đăng lúc 1-11-2022 22:08:33 | Xem tất
I think I've just created another cycle of ruins. It was no surprise really, how I just have to destroy everything.

I think you carry the people you’ve loved with you forever, not in a ‘you can never get over them’ way but more like loving them changed you and it meant something and you have to make peace with that.
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