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[Nam] Joo Won -주원-

  [Lấy địa chỉ]
Đăng lúc 7-2-2012 19:49:39 | Xem tất
Sơ lược nhanh về ep 53. Tớ ngại dịch sang tiếng Việt lắm ^^

I have a feeling TS and MS will tell Guksoo the truth about his mother’s death soon cuz I can’t imagine them actually waiting ten years to tell Guksoo.

KJ and TH bonding and TH calling him hyung or just smiling at KJ would be a nice change. At best, I can only imagine a handshake between them.

I want the dad to be nice to Guksoo cuz he has yet to have one scene where he smiles or is nice to Guksoo.

The duck feed becoming a huge success.

J calling the ajumma “mother” and both of them crying.

SY and TB living on the farm with TS and MS living next door in her home and MS giving SY a hard time so that SY finally learns how to cook.

We finally find out how KJ managed to get his dad to back off and not buy the farm.

They bring Hong back to find out how he is involved in all this. Cuz he had to be on this whole thing from the start or why else would he meet with the chief and why else would he have gone to Hong Kong with him.

J and TH go on an overnight trip together and sleep in her tent by the beach. If not that one, then at least have them do some of those things that J wanted to do with her boyfriend.

TH takes J and the GM and goes to visit his mother’s memorial.

TP and Y make up their minds to get married or not cuz she isn’t young enough to keep dating for a few more years.

The farm gets a makeover and they add on rooms to it or build on more additions to it like how they did with MS’s place.

Would like to know what J did with her dad’s birthday plant.

TS finds out how YJ was only dating him to get the farm money. I don’t know why it bugs me, but I hate that he still thinks he broke off their relationship instead of the truth that he narrowly missed out on being used. Even though I want him to know, I still hope MS isn’t the one to tell him cuz it will make her look petty for keeping it from him all this time if she blurts it out in a moment of anger.

A perfect last scene would be SY’s parents coming over with food and SY’s mom helping TH’s mom prepare for the meal. Then they would show a family gathering with two full tables and everyone sitting around to eat together so that when GM says “let’s eat” there will be a loud chorus of “we will eat well.” Then laughter and conversation as they all eat and the camera does close-up shots of all the faces then pans out to the outside of the farm.

cre: soulcrebe
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Dùng đạo cụ Báo cáo

Đăng lúc 7-2-2012 19:53:07 | Xem tất
Recap nhanh ep 54

TH asks Hong: who was the person who drove that night. Hong: the person who was driving that night was BIH. TH: then BIH was wearing white clothes? Hong: I don’t know that. I dont remember but I am certain he drove. TH: if you were there, why did BIH drive. (cuz Hong is Baek’s driver) Hong’s hands start to shake as he says: He kept saying he would drive. I tried to stop him but couldn’t stop him till the end. TH: The victim of the accident is my father. Did you know that? Hong looks shocked but just says: please go back I have nothing else to say. TH: ok. I will go back for today but will come next time to meet you again. TH leaves. Hong sits down in shock. Chief comes out and says Hong did well. Even if he comes back you have to do well and keep your mouth shut till the end
TP goes to his room and TS and TB follow him. TP asks what is so important for them to follow him into his room. TB: this is important – why wouldnt it be important. It’s about bringing trouble to the calm waters of both our families. TS says he is on TP’s side no matter what, but it’s hard to take TP’s side when it comes to the aunt (Y). are you really sincere? TB says it doesnt matter if he is sincere. no matter what settle this (meaning break up). TS agrees and says when it comes to Y, there isnt just one or two things that get in the way. there is the problem of overlapping (TP and TB both married to SY and her aunt) but there is too much of an age difference too. also she has been married before. TP: why is that a problem? big hyung why are you being traditional. TB says it’s not just TS, most people are like that. if mom and dad find out, what do you think they will say? TP: then what about you, because of the standards and rules of other people, is that why you did a contract marriage for a year? TS: maknae. TP: younger hyung provoked me first. I didnt know both of you – especially younger hyung would do this. big hyung is normally conservative, but how could you be like this younger hyung. TP says that people’s real character show when they are confronted with something that they can’t understand. TB warns him not to go overboard cuz he is being patient right now. TP: what is the problem. there is nothing legally that prohibits this. he lists the issues that TB has regarding this about it doesn’t fit with society’s expectations, standards, or understanding. TP says those things normally exist to break them. TP says nothing is more important than their love and sincerity, especially the opinion of others. TB: love and sincerity? since you brought it up. let’s be honest. do you really like the aunt. TP: what does that mean? TB: do you honestly genuinely like her without any ulterior motive or calculation? (meaning TB is accusing TP of liking Y for her money) TS says TB to stop him but TB keeps going. he bascially asks TP: arent you loving her wealth? TP tries to hit him by saying: hwang TB. but TS pushes him back. TP gets mad and says: is that the kind of person you see me as? TB says TP has never once met a girl sincerely. (meaning TP always looked at a woman’s money). TP: just cuz up to now I didnt, how can you prove that this feeling I have towards Y now isnt sincere. TS tells him to relax and calm down. TP: I really like Y- without any other ulterior motive or calculation. I really genuinely like her. TB: how can you prove that? you think others will see you that way. (TP gets mad cuz TB is accusing TP not having anything so others will think since TP has nothing he wants money from Y). TP :what? that’s what you were trying to say? so if a guy has nothing, can they not love? if you two see me like this, what will others think. TS: maknae I dont think like that. TP: thanks. thanks a lot. thank you for letting me see reality. thank you so much that I think I will cry. TP pushes them out of the way and leaves. TS says TB should have watched his words more carefully- why mess with the kid. TB: I have to stop him now no matter what or else he has to hear what I said 10 or 20 times more from my mother in law
Y remembers how SY said: how long are you planning to hide it? from here on what are the two of you going to do? there is no way- you aren’t going to get married right? you really cant do that aunt. Y remembers all her times with TP when she kissed him and when he said it’s 3 words you say when you want to confess “I love you”. she smiles and remembers that. she tells herself – you like TP so how much longer are you going to live worrying like this.
TB has his head on SY’s lap. SY: so that’s why you arent in a good mood. after time passes, maknae will understand your sincerity. also thankfully, I dont think aunt is thinking as far as marriage. TB says that’s good then TP is the problem. I will talk to him again. TB suddenly sits up and asks if the baby kicked him. He is happy. SY: yes our cha gom kicked. TB: it’s the first time I felt the baby kick this strong.maybe he is a boy. how could he be so strong. wait – again. he leans his ear to her belly. he says the baby is kicking again. She says after the baby is born should we go on our honeymoon. we got married in a hurry so we didnt get to go on our honeymoon. He says that sounds good. let’s put in for a vacation and go in the summer. we cant take cha gom can we? She says the baby will be too young. instead, when cha gom is 6 let’s go on a backbacking trip to Europe. She wants them to go through the hard times of travel together and overcome the difficulties. TB: ok let’s make sure to go. SY: let’s live apart. I thought about it. as hard as it is to be around my in laws, it must be uncomfortable for you too. I also dont like the office coworkers talking too. I dont have confidence but I want to trust my husband and do it. But the officetel is too small so let’s get a loan and get a small apt. that’s ok right? TB: yes thinking of our cha gom, that would be good. let’s do that. he hugs her and thanks her. should we go in now. he carries her into the room. SY: I am heavy. TB: you are a little heavy.
SY’s dad tells the mom: I said nothing much will happen.  why are you like this when you already talked to Dr. Yoon for so long today. (dad lists stuff about her stats that are high.) you have been healthy every year so what could suddenly happen. mom: no I didnt tell you but these days, my makeup doesnt stay on well, my hands and feet get cold, and my heart races. stuff that was strange wasnt just one or two things. it doesnt feel good. dad: you had regular annual checkups so even if something came up within the year, it will be something like a small benign (? not sure of this word but it alarms her) whatever it is we can figure it out/manage it. mom: how can you talk like it’s someone else.  He says if she is so worried then go tm to get it checked. I will make reservations.  But she says no cuz she needs time to prepare her heart. he says let’s go sleep cuz she cant stay up all night. she tells him to go in first. I will go a little later. he doesnt leave and stays with her.
Baek is working at the construction site and climbs up to a high floor. he puts down what he is carrying and looks down like he wants to jump. He remembers how J said: “dad, you are having a really hard time these days arent you? during a short time, so many things happened. but now your daughter Baek JE is going to cheer up now. more than anything, you came back safely to my side. thank you dad.  As always, you are the person I love the most in this world.” Baek steps back and doesn’t jump. He cries and looks at J’s letter. J: dad, for a short time, I will be going out of seoul. your daugher Baek JE will come back recovered being lively again so look forward to it. also this is a lucky charm I made to give to you the day you went missing. from here on, you must always have it on you.”  He cries holding her letter and the pendant.
J is sitting by the window staring out and not really seeing anything. there is a row of kids and one by one they go up to her. the first little girl tells J that her stomach hurts. J: your stomach hurts? how does it hurt? does it hurt a lot? girl asks J to blow on her tummy. J says should I do that for you. what is your name. girl says it. J: your name is as pretty as your face. J tells the girl’s stomach to get better. Another boy asks J to draw something for him. Another says her finger hurts. J blows on the hurt finger first. J asks how he knew she could draw well. She tells them to sit. J invites other kids over to sit too. She draws for them. They ask what this is. J says they are ojak. they ask what that is. J says ducks.
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Dùng đạo cụ Báo cáo

Đăng lúc 7-2-2012 19:55:03 | Xem tất
Khi nào có thời gian tớ sẽ dịch, bây h cứ post trước đã

J and kids watch KJ playing soccer with other kids. kids chant “win”. J and KJ serve snacks for kids and tell them to eat well. J suddenly looks sad and KJ notices
J goes and looks out the window and a boy gives her flowers. She thanks him and says he is nice. KJ comes over and says he has to go back up to seoul now. J: on your way back up, please drop me off. I had to go somewhere but I forgot and just came here
Mom is staring at the family pic and GM saw that. mom: I was just looking at the picture again.  are you going somewhere? GM: I will be back in a short time. mom: where are you going? let’s go together. GM says she is not senile yet and her mind is intact so dont treat her like she is helpless. mom says the GM’s faculties are way better than hers.then go and come back mother
TH meets with Baek. TH: during your questioning, you said you don’t remember driving at all didnt you. Baek: Yes after drinking at the hiking restaurant, I remember leaving, but after that I don’t remember anything at all. When I woke up I was sitting in the driver’s seat and holding the steering wheel and lee ki chil (LKC) said I had been in an accident. TH: you cant even remember the moment of the accident? Baek: I don’t remember. when I came to, we had already left the accident site and were in a snow field. LKC yelled how could I fall asleep while I drove. that it looked like I hit someone. in that moment, I was so scared. LKC said he would see how much the victim was hurt and said let’s leave the site first. I was too scared. TH: at that time, was Hong in the back seat riding the car with you guys. Baek: yes and the next day, he said the person who was hurt- his surgery went well and woke up safely. so I didnt try to find out more and as planned, a few days later I left (the country). TH: and you still dont remember what clothes you were wearing that day. Baek: after you left, I tried very hard to remember but I cant remember. TH: by any chance, do you not remember taking any pictures that day? who did you go hiking with? Baek: I went with a hiking group/club. we did take a group picture. TH: do you have the picture? Baek: but I dont have any remaining picture right now. after my company went bankrupt and I was missing, J moved out of the home and left everything behind. so there is nothing left. TH: I will ask again for the last time- do you not remember driving at all?
GM goes to see her son and J is already there with flowers. J is crying and prays then walks away. GM goes over to her son and looks at the flowers J left behind.
TH meets with D alone. TH shows D Bong’s investigation notes. help me dong min. D: yes whatever you need (I will help with anything) what should I help you with. TH says he wants to investigate prior to the accident cuz Baek doesn’t remember anything about driving on the day of the accident and cant remember the moment of the accident. After the accident he just woke up in the driver’s seat. Hong and LKC were in the same car. both say BIH drove, but maybe – I am throwing this out as a “maybe” but what if either hong or LKC drove and right after the accident, traded places with Baek who was out like a light. D: trade places? TH: The witness said the driver wore white clothes. but that day Baek went hiking so if you think about it rationally, he wouldn’t have worn white clothes. Also he was so drunk that he doesn’t remember anything so it doesnt make sense that he would have driven. D: but realistically there is no evidence/something to verify that.  TH: we have to find it. Also Baek took a group picture with other hikers. Baek doesnt have a photo but one of the other hikers in the group could still have that picture. if we can just find that picture, we can see what color clothes Baek wore on the day of the accident. D: that’s true we could. TH tells D to check about the connections between LKC and hong and the people around them.between the two, if one drove and if the other kept his mouth shut, there is some kind of deal that was made. D: ok I will look into it. I will find out, but you know the possibility is very slim right? don’t expect too much. it happened 26 yrs ago. whatever the truth is, it will be hard to get the proof. I am afraid you will count on this too much and be devastated.  TH: I am asking you as a favor. D: ok. I will do my best. TH: thanks. let’s go. TH gets up and drops his pendant. He tells D to leave first and he will follow after putting things in order. TH picks up the pendant and remembers how J gave it to him. He calls J but just holds the phone out willing himself not to talk, but KJ’s voice says “hello officer hwang it’s KJH.” TH: hello? KJ: I am keeping J’s phone for her.  J is not in seoul right now. she left for a short time. TH: oh she did. ok. I will hang up now.
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Dùng đạo cụ Báo cáo

Đăng lúc 7-2-2012 19:57:36 | Xem tất
Tớ rất là thích phân cảnh này, nhìn hai người rất là cute
Dám cá đây là thời điểm cả hai người bắt đầu để ý đến nhau
Bạn JE cứ nghĩ bạn ý thích asushi trước chứ ai bít được có khi bạn TH thích bạn JE trước cũng nên {:303:}

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Dùng đạo cụ Báo cáo

Đăng lúc 7-2-2012 20:00:08 | Xem tất
Haha, còn đây là phân cảnh mà tớ đảm bao ai coi phim này cũng phải tua đi tua lại bao nhiêu lần
Bạn TH ngốc nghếch 30 tuổi mới biết yêu lần đầu nên vậy đấy

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Dùng đạo cụ Báo cáo

Đăng lúc 7-2-2012 20:05:25 | Xem tất
Tớ cực kỳ thích cách mà hai người này thẳng thắn tình cảm với nhau
Thích thì nói là thích, k thích thì nói không thích, k hề có chút "nói gà nói vịt"

Bình luận

thích cảnh này :)  Đăng lúc 22-8-2012 01:17 AM
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Dùng đạo cụ Báo cáo

Đăng lúc 7-2-2012 20:08:37 | Xem tất
Cái này là hôm KBS award bạn Joo Won nhận giải best rookie. Chà chà, những ba người nhận luôn, haizzz

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Dùng đạo cụ Báo cáo

Đăng lúc 14-3-2012 00:09:11 | Xem tất
2BiC MV with JooWon is out

cre: JWfansite

Tình hình là ra đúng hẹn quá ) lại tiếp tục ra vào cái giờ quái gở ở bên Hàn 2h sáng )). MV này JW đệp trai quá {:290:}
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Dùng đạo cụ Báo cáo

Đăng lúc 19-3-2012 00:36:00 | Xem tất
Joo Wondancing in 1N2D Ep3

cre: nokuka

Bạn ý nhảy candy cute gì đâu á =)))
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Dùng đạo cụ Báo cáo

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